Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Welcome to Hope International University's IRB site, where you can find the resources to assist in research at and with our institution.

Hope International University (HIU) has a moral and legal responsibility to safeguard the rights, welfare, and dignity of human subjects involved in research. HIU is committed to the ethical principles for the protection of human subjects and is committed to ensuring that all human subject research, regardless of funding source. HIU's IRB policies comply with the Code of Federal Regulations (Title 45 Part 46 of the Code of Federal Regulations [45 CFR 46]) issued by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Human Research Protections (OHRP) requirements as set forth in faculty, students, and staff who conduct research under the auspices of Hope International University must receive written IRB approval prior to initiating.

A vital safeguard of the privilege of conducting research involving human subjects is the institutional review of all research projects to minimize the possibility of unacceptable or unnecessary levels of risk to the rights, welfare, and dignity of human subjects. Careful review of this type also enhances the likelihood that any given research project will yield results that are accepted as valid by the scholarly community. Toward this end, and to comply with the requirements of federal law, HIU has created an Institutional Review Board (IRB). To assist the individual researcher in protecting the rights of human subjects and to minimize the potential legal liability of the investigator and the university should a human being be placed at risk, the IRB is instructed to review all projects involving human subjects.

Our IRB Policies, Procedures, and Resources are outlined in our IRB Handbook.

Review the IRB Handbook before completing an application to ensure you need to complete the IRB process and gain the information needed to help with the application.

IRB Process

Ethical Training Requirements

HIU Students, Faculty, & Staff: complete the "Social-Behavioral-Educational (SBE) Comprehensive" ethical human research training from the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI). To get started follow these steps:

  1. Go to: CITI Registration Page
  2. Select "Select Your Organization Affiliation”
  3. Type ‘Hope International University’ and agree to the terms to Create a CITI Program account.
  4. When creating your account use your email account (as the primary email) and the name you used when registering at HIU.
  5. When you reach the 'Select Curriculum' page, Answer the questions in the following way:
    • Question 1: Human Subject Research
    • Question 2: Social & Behavioral Research Investigator
  6. When you complete registration click the "View Courses" button.
  7. Select the “Social-Behavioral-Educational (SBE) Comprehensive” and follow the instructions to complete the course.
  8. Save the completion certificate after completing the modules and passing the quizzes (minimum score: 80). A new training certificate needs to be updated every 3 years.

Guide for CITI Registration: // Download //

Guide for Navigating the Training Course: // Download //

Non-HIU members: Complete the following "Human Research Protection Foundational Training" lessons from the HHS:

Save the completion certificates. These training certificates need to be renewed every 2 years.

IRB Application

Institutional Review Board Application

Download Application

Make sure to download the application and use Adobe Acrobat Reader to complete IRB application.

Dissertation projects: your dissertation chair is your faculty sponsor.

Thesis projects: your thesis advisor is your faculty sponsor.

Research course projects: your instructor is your faculty sponsor.

Faculty Sponsor Approval

Faculty Sponsor Approval

Download Approval Form

Make sure to download the application and use Adobe Acrobat Reader or Pro to complete the Faculty Sponsor Approval Form.

HIU Informed Consent Templates

Informed Consent: // Download //

Addendum for Children and Conservatees: // Download //

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